Monday, June 16, 2008

Two Firsts for Me!

Hi everyone!

Last week I've been tagged by Darlene and awarded by Bunny!

My firsts!!! YAY!!!

I'll start with the award... it's sooo cute! lol
Thanks, Bunny! It really made my day! :D

blog award

And, of course, I'm more than happy to pass the love on...
And the award goes to:
(I know, I know...very corny, huh? But hey...just HAD to do it! LOL)

Anna (AneczkaW Designs)
Jen (Chaos Lounge)
Brenda (Milstream Cottage)
Sunshine Studio Scraps Blog

And now for the being tagged part...
(Thanks, Dar! Now I'm officially feeling part of the blogger circle! haha)

Here are the Rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And here are my Facts:

1. I met Hubby online, completely by accident, when I was using ICQ for the first time and as a joke searched for someone called 'Stranger' and he was the one I clicked on among the gazillion others that showed up;

2. I get a bit freaked out when flying things come too close to me;

3. I'm left-handed and yet can only stitch using the right hand;

4. I change my hair color and style every chance I get;

5. I was on the pill when got pregnant with TWINS! (We had planned on having kids in a couple of years, but I guess they wanted to come sooner than that! LOL)

6. My life is totally different from what I had envisioned and yet I couldn't be HAPPIER than I am now (ok, ok... winning the lottery would help! haha);

7. With all the 'facts about you' challenges and layouts and with being tagged I feel like I'm running out of facts to share!!! :P

And now... I'll tag... 2 of my "Boss Ladies" and the new designers that joined DSO together with me!

1. Anna
2. Jen
3. Andrea
4. Beth
5. Boo
6. Doodle
7. Sherrie

Ok, that was it for now... Gotta go back to photoshopping if I wanna show you what's been cooking in my head these past few days! ;)

Hugs to all!


Jenni said...

Thanks Livia for tagging me, the award is sooo cute!!! Love your random facts too!! Your designs are really gorgeous, love your sparkly new kit, very pretty!!

Oase said...

Thanks Livia, the award is just great, now what do I do? Do I give out the award too?
I love your sparkly new kit too. Thanks for your kind words too, they mean a lot.

Nani said...

Thanks so much for the award, Livia! I'm honored!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the award! I think of you all the time too and yes, I've been missing in CT circles lately also! Need to get those kits in the store -KWIM??? I'm sure you do and don't forget I don't have little twins to take care of and have a lot of time to put into this and I still find it quite challenging to keep up! As a matter of fact I've often wondered how you gals with small ones do it!!!

Mandi N. said...

Hi Livia! It's Mandi from the Sunshine Wonder Girls over at Sunshine Studio Scraps.... email me at:!!! I have a special thank you gift for you!!

AneczkaW said...

thank you very much for tagging me !