Monday, July 14, 2008

Look what I got...

... another blog award! YAY!!!


I received it from Nikki. Thanks, girl!!! MWAH!!!

And now it's my turn to present it to 7 people:

1) Bunny
2) Beth
3) Mindi
4) Sherrie
5) Joy
6) Doodle
I just put 6 links down, just so I don't 'break the rules'... lol Because actually, I wanted to present it to ALL DSO girls!!! You guys ROCK and I love being a part of this amazing group!!! LOVE YA!

And last but not least...
7) Chelly
My brazilian friend, who's always so sweet and supportive of my work! Thanks, Girl!


Chelly said...

Uau Livia, fiquei emocionada agora... Não imaginava um dia receber um premio assim...
Adorei o que voce disse sobre nossa amizade!
Que tudo na sua vida de certo, pois vc merece mesmo do fundo do meu coração!

"Livia Wow, I was moved now ... Do not imagine one day receive a prize well ...
I love it what you say about our friendship!
That everything in your life to some, because you deserve it from the bottom of my heart!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "Web Award" - I have never received on before!!! I will pass it on to the other designers for you - YAY!!!!