I don't know if you guys already noticed but the forum and gallery at DSO are down, since yesterday. Bunny explained everything on the DSO Blog:
"We are experiancing some technical difficulties with our webhosts. They have been bought out by a new company, and the new companies changes are reaking havoc on our site. Please note I am working to resolve the problem as soon as I can. The gallery and forum will be closed until I can get the issue resolved."
And let me tell you... Don't be fooled by the lightness of the message.
Yesterday was CHAOS, Bunny was working like crazy trying to solve everything, dealing with a very UNSUPPORTIVE support service. Stress levels way up high!
So...please bare with us and be sure that EVERYTHING POSSIBLE is being done to get it all up and running again!
But, on the bright side... the DSO Blog still up and you can still get Daily Download of the BOY TIME MEGA KIT. And today you can snag the papers I made for it!
(Just click on the image to go to the download page).
Friday, June 27, 2008
S**T Happens...
Posted by LiviaY at 3:28 PM 1 comments
Boy Layouts...
... using Felt Happy Garden.
Nite Owl was wondering if the kit was also good for scrapping for little boys. And since I had promissed my friend Chelly an lo of her son using the kit... here it is! ;) I got carried away and made one for my Lucas as well... ;)
Hope that helped you with the convincing... ;)
Posted by LiviaY at 2:24 PM 6 comments
Finally... a freebie! ;)
As I had promised, I'm back with a itty bitty freebie!
It's a small one, because I still didn't manage to stretch my hours in the day... LOL
But hey, I'm trying and it's something, right? ;)
Before I give you the freebie I'll shamelessly pimp my new release again, ok? If you already visited yesterday, I'm sorry... just scroll down for it!
If you didn't see it yet, please take a minute to oooh, aaaah a little bit! ROFL
And, if you do so, how about leaving me a comment with your opinion? *batting eyelashes and saying pretty pleaaaaaase*
So, here it is... FELT HAPPY GARDEN
It's very cute, with elements made of felt, 'hand-stitched' and full of friendly faces! It includes 20 papers and 56 elements and is ON SALE right now for only $4.00!
And here's my little gift for you, hope you like and enjoy it!
(click on the image to download)
Please, don't share my files. If you'd like your friends to have the freebie as well, send them here! ;)
Hugs to all,
Posted by LiviaY at 11:48 AM 11 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Is it Thursday already???
OMG... Time sure flies, doesn't it?
I have been having computer trouble all week and now I'm behind everything (again!!)... I wonder if I'll ever catch up???
And to make things better, I'm coming down with a nasty cold! My SIL came to spend the day with me and the kids yesterday and I spent all day sneezing and feeling like crap! I HATE sneezing!!! HATE IT! HATE IT!
Now, get this... Every time I sneezed the kids started laughing, thinking it was some sort of funny game! LOL Lucas even started to emulate me! After every sneeze he would throw his head foward and say 'ACHOOOO'... ROFL Sooooooooooo CUTE!
16 months old and already making fun of Mommy!!! HAHAHAHA
Ok...so now to business (lol)...
I have a few things I wanna show ya'll...
First of all, look at what I made! My first hybrid project! YAY!
Thanks to Bunny who came up with these really cool Memory Box Templates.
Aren't they cute? I used my new kit, Felt Happy Garden, on it.
The templates are avaliable in the store at DSO:
Mine example is really amateur, if you wanna see better examples check out the blogs of the other DSO designers, we all made them! The blog list is on my sidebar.
I have a new kit in the store today, and it's called: FELT HAPPY GARDEN.
It's a big kit with 20 papers and 56 elements. It's very cute, with elements made of felt, 'hand-stitched' and full of friendly faces!
As usual the kit is ON SALE for the first week, so hurry and get yours! ;)
You can get it for only $4.00!
Because of all the computer trouble and my freaking cold I didn't manage to have a freebie ready for today, but check back tomorrow and who knows what you may find... *hint hint* ;)
Before I go, there's something else I wanna show you...
Lynn made these AWESOME Date Buttons, aren't they cool???
Well, that's it for now...
See you guys tomorrow!
Posted by LiviaY at 2:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: New Stuff
Monday, June 16, 2008
Have you seen the new DSO MEGA KIT SALE?
Whats included?
Choose ANY 5 Kits from the DSO MEGA KIT Category!
Dont miss out on this GREAT OPPORTUNITY to build up your scrapbooking supplies!
Offer only good thru-out July! Come August 1st this offer will expire!
Posted by LiviaY at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Two Firsts for Me!
Hi everyone!
Last week I've been tagged by Darlene and awarded by Bunny!
My firsts!!! YAY!!!
I'll start with the award... it's sooo cute! lol
Thanks, Bunny! It really made my day! :D
And, of course, I'm more than happy to pass the love on...
And the award goes to:
(I know, I know...very corny, huh? But hey...just HAD to do it! LOL)
Anna (AneczkaW Designs)
Jen (Chaos Lounge)
Brenda (Milstream Cottage)
Sunshine Studio Scraps Blog
And now for the being tagged part...
(Thanks, Dar! Now I'm officially feeling part of the blogger circle! haha)
Here are the Rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
And here are my Facts:
1. I met Hubby online, completely by accident, when I was using ICQ for the first time and as a joke searched for someone called 'Stranger' and he was the one I clicked on among the gazillion others that showed up;
2. I get a bit freaked out when flying things come too close to me;
3. I'm left-handed and yet can only stitch using the right hand;
4. I change my hair color and style every chance I get;
5. I was on the pill when got pregnant with TWINS! (We had planned on having kids in a couple of years, but I guess they wanted to come sooner than that! LOL)
6. My life is totally different from what I had envisioned and yet I couldn't be HAPPIER than I am now (ok, ok... winning the lottery would help! haha);
7. With all the 'facts about you' challenges and layouts and with being tagged I feel like I'm running out of facts to share!!! :P
And now... I'll tag... 2 of my "Boss Ladies" and the new designers that joined DSO together with me!
1. Anna
2. Jen
3. Andrea
4. Beth
5. Boo
6. Doodle
7. Sherrie
Ok, that was it for now... Gotta go back to photoshopping if I wanna show you what's been cooking in my head these past few days! ;)
Hugs to all!
Posted by LiviaY at 9:18 AM 6 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
DSO DD - Boy Time
Oh, I almost forgot... I have something else to show you!!!
Have you been checking out the DSO Blog for the MegaKit DD? The theme this month is BOY TIME and all the parts look amazing!
Today you can download my elements for the kit:
(click on the image to download)
And tomorrow is Doodle's turn (Trivette's Designs) and believe me... you don't wanna miss it!!!
Posted by LiviaY at 4:59 PM 1 comments
5000 visits!
The counter hit 5000... I just wanted to say: YAY!!! LOL
Posted by LiviaY at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Today I have lots of stuff to show you!
Today is New Releases Day at DSO and I have a new kit called Sparkling Spring.

I also made an alpha in 3 different colors that coordinates beautifully with the kit. You can get the complete pack or separate as individual alphas. Each comes with upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and some punctuation.
The alphas are also on sale... Only $1.50 each!!! Can you say bargain??? LOL Or you can save EVEN MORE and get the full pack for $3.50. But remember... the sale is only for a week!
And as I told you yesterday... I have a FREEBIE for you! 2 QP's I made with the new kit. Hope you like and enjoy it!!!
(click on the images to download)
Hope you all have a very nice and creative day!
Posted by LiviaY at 10:31 AM 10 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hoi Hoi!
How are you guys doing?
This past week has been a bit busy here in the Yamada/Jonker household... Renovations, irritating workers, whining kids, family birthdays... Nah, don't worry! I won't bore you with the details! LOL
I just came by to say tomorrow is THURSDAY! And you know what that means, right? NEW REALEASES AT DSO!!!!
I have a new kit called Sparkling Spring and of course, a freebie for you! So don't forget to come and check it out tomorrow!!!
Hugs to all,
Posted by LiviaY at 10:39 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
#1 Hit Songs in History
What was the #1 hit song on the day you were born?
Do you know it?
Wanna find out and in addition participate in a fun challenge and win this cute mini kit?
Then hurry to DSO and check out the June Lyric Challenge that I'm hosting this month.
And don't forget that today is New Releases day at the DSO STORE. You definitely should check it out, there are some amazing stuff this week!
Ok, that's about it for now...gotta keep this short 'cause I have a ton of house work (blargh!) to do....
Hugs to all,
Posted by LiviaY at 4:19 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Mini Kit

You can get it for FREE!!! Nice, huh?
All you have to do is to take part of the DSO Font Challenge this month, which is being hosted by yours truly.
Posted by LiviaY at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Challenges, Freebies